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You can also start or join conversations about dating with MS on MSconnection.org. The National MS Society also offers a program called Relationship Matters,  Dating someone with multiple sclerosis (MS) can be challenging. Follow our advice and be the best partner for your partner dealing with MS. date. Now that Green is in an emotionally healthy relationship, she recognizes that her desire to keep the MS a secret was a way of rejecting herself—of not 
Don't treat her like a fragile flower. Let her do her thing. Know that it could get worse and brace. But don't dwell. Don't push. Just let her  Selma Blair finally ready to start dating after 2025 MS 10 ways to help your partner if they have MS · Patience is a virtue · It's good to talk (but only when you're ready) · Stay informed · Keep a sense of normality.

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